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07 April, 2014 · less than a minute to read · written by Rob Gregory
Today marks the 50th birthday of the unveiling of the first System 360 mainframe from IBM. Launhced on the 7th of April 1964 the mainframe has been the workhorse of business for 50 years. Today mainframes still play a big part in our everyday lives taking care of airline reservations, cash machine withdrawals and credit card payments.
In the rapidly advancing world of tech it feels a bit strange that such an old technology has stood the test of time. This poses an interesting question - Which of today's tech will around in 50 years.
Although technology has moved on in leaps and bounds in the intervening 50 years since 1964 the success of the mainframe is a great example of a robust technology that can be trusted to perform really important tasks without trying to reinvent the wheel.
Of course bleeding edge technology is really important and without these great advances in technology that we see today we would not be able to achieve much of what we do in our business and personal lives.
So the speed of change now is almost exponential and as such an easier question to ask might be which of today's tech will be around in 10 years time. We'd love to hear what you think in the comments below.